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BankID products are exclusively sold through our resellers to ensure fast support and proper follow-up. Here you can see the prices of BankID from us to the reseller. All prices are in NOK.

Authentication and signing


Price 1.1.2024

Authentication BankID high, including NNIN


Authentication BankID with biometrics, including NNIN


Signing, including NNIN


Large volume of transactions using biometrics?

Discounts may apply for customers with a high volume of Substantial transactions. Please contact you reseller.

Substantial and High Level of Assurance

As a provider of eID and trust services to the public and private sectors in the Norwegian market, BankID falls under eIDAS. BankID is self-declared at the High Level of Assurance. More information about eID and levels can be found at

For all practical purposes, BankID Substantial for end-users will be experienced as BankID with biometrics (FaceID, fingerprint, or PIN), and BankID High will be experienced as BankID with a Personal password.

The BankID products "Authentication" and "Signing" are billed monthly on a transaction basis in accordance with the above prices. The rate is flat regardless of volume. The use of the national identity number (fødselsnummer) presupposes legal authorization. The price structure applies regardless of whether the service provider is legally authorized to process the national identity number or not.




Single search, person (Norway, Sweden, Finland)

42.16 per transaction

Single search organization (Norway, Sweden, Finland)

52.70 per transaction

BankID authentications that occur in connection with an AML transaction are included in the price for Norwegian single searches.

The service is billed on a monthly basis. The table above represents the prices that BankID BankAxept AS uses for direct sales to customers. BankID BankAxept AS will invoice the reseller based on the above prices for each customer associated with the reseller, minus a 20% discount. Flat rate regardless of volume. Now you can also get Swedish and Finnish data.

Continuous screening: Fixed price depending on the size of the customer portfolio.


BankID resellers are invoiced a fixed amount per month, and new resellers pay an establishment fee to become a reseller.

Fixed monthly price of NOK 7,900.

One-time establishment fee of NOK 100,000.

In addition to this, the reseller will be invoiced for the products the reseller sells, according to the provided overview

Pricing from 2025

From 01.01.2025 the new prices will be:

Authentication BankID high, including NNIN: 1,30 NOK

Authentication BankID with biometrics, including NNIN: 0,92 NOK

Signing, including NNIN: 4,32 NOK

Fixed monthly price for resellers of NOK: 8.120 NOK