BankID signing
Binding signatures without pen, paper and printer.
Be sure of who is signing
Valid throughout Europe
Highest level of assurance

Get started
BankID is a digital identification that ensures signatures at the highest level of assurance. A nice bonus is that it makes the printer, pen, scanner, and email obsolete. The customer signs on their mobile or PC with BankID. It provides a faster path to a complete agreement with your company. And it's much simpler for your customers.
You can obtain BankID signing in the signing portals Dokobit, Kundesjekk, Nets, Scrive, Signant, Signicat, and Verified. Signing is also available in industry systems like Admincontrol, Intility, Regnskap Norge, Visena, and Vitec. Alternatively, you can integrate it yourself.
What is signing with BankID?
Sign contracts, agreements and other important documents with electronic signatures. It's simple, secure and legally binding to use a BankID signature.
Benefits with BankID
BankID is the preferred way to sign important agreements. BankID signing enables full digitalization of processes requiring binding signatures. This can include contract agreements, approvals, or confirmations where the content of the transaction and who conducted it must be documented and proven to be correct.
- Digital signing with BankID replaces pen and paper and is equally binding as a physical signature.
- All agreements can be turned into electronic documents that your customers sign with BankID.
- BankID is approved according to the EU standard eIDAS, and identifications and signatures are valid throughout Europe.
- Your customer saves time, and your company receives more signed agreements.
- Physical archives become history, and old agreements are easy to find.
- You can be completely sure that the content of the agreement has not been altered afterward.
- It becomes easy to document which parties have signed the agreements and when.
Supported data types are PDF, plain text (ASCII 128), and XML. BankID does not support XML DSIG and XAdES. Signing with BankID is in accordance to the standards PKCS#7 and SEID SDO BasicV Type1.
Signed documents
BankID partners
Some of our partners who can help you implement BankID signing.