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Our Official Channels

This page provides you with information about BankID's official channels.

Website On our website, you can find company news, product and service updates, career content, job listings, user guides, and tips and tricks.

Social media

Facebook: Here, you can find product and service updates, tips and tricks, and user guides.

InstagramInstagram: User guides and tips and tricks are available here.

YouTubeYouTube: This channel offers video content, including user guides and tips and tricks.

LinkedInLinkedIn: Company news, product and service updates, career content, and job listings are available here.

X (TwitterX (Twitter): Company news can be found here.


BankID-app for iOSBankID-app for iOS: Read more and download our app here (for iOS users).

BankID-app for AndroidBankID-app for Android: Read more and download our app here (for Android users).

If you have questions about BankID or need assistance, please contact the bank where you obtained BankID.

SMS from BankID

BankID sends SMS messages to users when they need to activate the BankID app or when the user's BankID agreement has been activated or renewed.

When activating or renewing, the sender is BankID for customers with a Norwegian phone number, and or +47 417 16 202 for customers with a foreign phone number.

SMS messages from BankID are for informational purposes only, and we will never send you links or ask you to do anything. If you receive an SMS asking you to follow a link or provide any information, it is a scam, and you should delete the SMS immediately.