Get started using the app
Fast and secure logins using the BankID app.

BankID on Mobile will be replaced by the BankID app, but it won't happen overnight. The service will gradually phase out, and most users will have access to it for quite some time. The code unit will also remain.
However, all banks have now stopped new BankID on Mobile activations. So, for those who need a new SIM card due to changing their mobile device or switching operators, it's a good idea to download and activate the app before changing the SIM card. This way, you'll have the alternative ready before losing access to BankID on Mobile.
Before activating the app, remember this
Make sure your Bank supports the BankID app
The BankID app is used by nearly 100 banks in Norway. However, if you are a customer of SpareBank 1 or Nordea, you will need to download their respective code apps for BankID. These apps function in the same way as the BankID app.
Make sure you have an active BankID with password
If it has been a long time since you last used the code unit, your regular BankID with a password may have expired. You can check this by attempting to log in with the code unit or by contacting your bank. Without an active BankID with a code unit and BankID password, you will not be able to activate the app and may need to order a new BankID certificate from your bank. Please allow some time for delivery, as there may be a waiting period for this.
Some users may have their regular BankID (code unit) with one bank and their BankID on mobile with another bank.
In this case, please make sure you have a regular BankID with a bank that supports the app. You might encounter issues during the activation process if your regular BankID is issued by a bank that does not support the app.
Do you remember your BankID password?
This will be the same password you use along with the code unit. You will need it when you use the app. If you have forgotten the password, you can request a new one from your bank. If you have entered the wrong password too many times, your BankID will be suspended. In that case, contact your bank to have your BankID reactivated
The BankID app is used by nearly 100 banks in Norway. However, if you are a customer of SpareBank 1 or Nordea, you will need to download their respective code apps for BankID. These apps function in the same way as the BankID app.
If it has been a long time since you last used the code unit, your regular BankID with a password may have expired. You can check this by attempting to log in with the code unit or by contacting your bank. Without an active BankID with a code unit and BankID password, you will not be able to activate the app and may need to order a new BankID certificate from your bank. Please allow some time for delivery, as there may be a waiting period for this.
Some users may have their regular BankID (code unit) with one bank and their BankID on mobile with another bank.
In this case, please make sure you have a regular BankID with a bank that supports the app. You might encounter issues during the activation process if your regular BankID is issued by a bank that does not support the app.
This will be the same password you use along with the code unit. You will need it when you use the app. If you have forgotten the password, you can request a new one from your bank. If you have entered the wrong password too many times, your BankID will be suspended. In that case, contact your bank to have your BankID reactivated
Download the app
The app can be downloaded from here (requires iOS 15/Android 7 or newer). You can only have the app on one device at a time.
How to activate the app
Once the app is downloaded, it needs to be activated. This means linking your BankID to the app. You can choose to activate it with BankID on mobile or with a code unit, and in some banks, you can also activate it with codes sent via email or SMS.

How to use the BankID app
- When logging in, choose BankID, not BankID on mobile.
- Select the BankID app as your method.
- Approve the notification on your phone. If you have an Apple phone or tablet, you can hold your finger on the notification and approve it without opening the app.
- Enter your BankID password.
How to activate faster BankID
- Open the BankID app and tap on "My BankID" in the menu at the bottom of the page.
- Follow the instructions in the app to activate BankID with facial recognition, fingerprint, or PIN.
If you can't activate BankID with facial recognition, fingerprint, or PIN by following the steps above, you should check if this feature is enabled on your phone or tablet. You can do this in the settings on your phone/tablet.
Advice to prevent fraud: Stop - Think - Verify
Currently, many people are falling victim to fake police calls claiming to help you stop fraud. Don't be fooled; the police will never ask you to provide passwords and codes over the phone. Learn more about how fraud works on the police's website and read our tips on secure BankID usage.